Abortion ? is abortion pills prohibited in Saudi ?
Termination of a pregnancy with pills is called an medical Abortion deportation of an embryo or fetus.An abortion that happens without intervening is known a miscarriage or “natural abortion”; these occur in around 35% to 45% of al pregnancies . when women take step to end up a pregnancy deliberately, it is known as a induced abortion,or less oftentimes “screwed up miscarage” . the unchanged word abortion usually reffers to an screwed up abortion. [5][6] the extreme reason given for having an abortion is lack of support, family size limiting, purpose of education, advance care of famiuly or willing to raise a child conceived as a result of rape.more info
some definition of abortion are discussed below;
- an abortion with pills to end up a pregnancy , the most way sometimes called a termination of pregnancy
- be carried out under the health care of Jeddah hospital of Saudi Arabia or a licensed clinic generally free of cost on the JHoKSA.
- abortion can be taking method medicine or surgery
- an abortion can be done at home by using medicine less than 10 to 12 weeks.
is abortion pills prohibited in Saudi ?
there are two types of abortion ;
1. medical abortion :
- process : using two medication : mifepristone blocks progesterone , preventing the pregnancy from continuing and misoprostol causes the uterus to contract expel out the pregnancy.
- best time : taken in early pregnancy (duration upto 10 weeks)
- procedure : take mifepristone with half glass of water at night before go to bad, then wait 24 hours after that you should take misoprostol
- aftercare : expect cramping and bleeding upto 2-3 weeks, similar to a heavy period.
2. in clinic abortion (surgical):
- process : expell outing the pregnancy tissue from uterus by using suction or medical tools.
- best time : performed in 10-15 weeks.
- procedure : the cervix is dilated,a suction tube or used by instruments to remove pregnancy tissue.
- aftercare ; expect few days some weeks cramping ,bleeding,dizyness,feeling weakness because of illness.
how long do you bleed after abortion ?
a few days and steadily 1-2 weeks, it is normal to have heavy bleeding or spotting,dropping. chance of small clots 2-4 weeks after medical abortion and for some women it might be for upto 8-9 weeks.
is an abortion safe ?
abortion are 100% safe. but medical treatment can be complicated risk of 25%. the risk increases continue if you are not under 4 months if you take mifepristine with misoprostol without surgerical.
does abortion have side effects ?
side effects, including physically bleeding , cramping , infection , dizyness , abdominal pain , a stomach ache , illness , fever , foul smelling , vaginal discharge , increased pain , part of pregnancy tissue, heavy bleeding , might be requirement clinicly treatment.
is abortion legal in Saudi Arabia Riyadh ?
- abortion is illegal in Saudi Arabia expect when the mothers life at the risk or if the fetus has a severe impairment, and requires the consent of ten physicians as well the patients parents and partners and families of husband.
- abortion with pills performed in Saudi Arabia’s cities Jeddah,Riyadh,Dammam (KSA) committy of medical prohibited abortion pills . unmarried,rape,.
is abortion pills allowed in Saudi Arabia ?
is abortion pills prohibited in Saudi ? . Saudi Arabiya , Riyadh, Jeddah ,Dammam , legalised in case of risk to fetal impairment for women lifes protecting womens physical and mental health.pregnancy araising on incest-rape qualified legal abortion exemption .is abortion pills prohibited in Saudi ? ude is abortion pills prohibited in Saudi ?
what are early sign of pregnancy ?
the most common we get to see that, missed period swollen breasts in the morning after weakup , nausea, increased urination, feeling weakness, dont feel like eating, tired early in the morning,
is abortion pills prohibited in Saudi ?
Useful Mifepristone Jeddah-Riyadh is abortion pills prohibited in Saudi ? is abortion pills prohibited in Saudi ?